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Florida, United States

Monday, September 27, 2010

got my first "paycheck" today!

Not only the first one, but the second one too. Must remember to check paypal account as well.

It's so reassuring when you receive that first payment for an order. Admittedly I took a big gamble making and shipping a quilt without so much as a half-payment. But given that I made it special order and it was from someone I consider a friend (albeit online at Just Mommies). I was a bit trusting, but she came right through.

I also received my first payment for Santa Sacks. I'll be working on those tonight along with two girly quilts. Both packages headed to Florida, hopefully by Saturday.


  1. Whew! So glad it made it there!!! :))

  2. HA! I wasn't even talking about yours! You're too funny. I know paypal will come through for you.
